Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation was inspired by Laudato Si (On Care for Our Common Home), the appeal from Pope Francis addressed to “every person living on this planet” for an inclusive dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. Pope Francis calls the Church and the world to acknowledge the urgency of our environmental challenges and to join him in embarking on a new path. This encyclical is written with both hope and resolve, looking to our common future with candor and humility. As Catholics, we are called to be faithful to the mission of Jesus. He was sent to bring Good News to the poor. That means that, through our baptism we are called to be an outreach to the marginalised, excluded and vulnerable. We must always be with the lost, the least and the last. As Pope Francis has often said, we are all missionary disciples.
JPIC activities
Caring for Bees in our Parish, our Contribution to Bio-Diversity
In July of 2019, the Justice, Peace, Integrity to Creation – Laudato Si Team (JPIC-LSC) team installed a hive of Carniolan honey bees (Apis Mellifera Carnica) on the roof of St John XXIII. These bees will help promote biodiversity. Know more about our honey bees, be clicking here
Pope’s message for 2019 World Day of Migrants and Refugees
Pope Francis releases his message for the 105th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, which is commemorated on Sunday, September 29, 2019. The full text of the message is here
Lenten Reflection Message
In this time of Lent, the JPIC-Laudato Si Community enjoins you to participate in an Ignatian Examen for reconciliation with God, Creation and Humanity. This is is a tool for prayer, reflection and action to deepen one’s to care for creation and the most vulnerable. In this time of Lent, this Ecological examen invites you to reflect on your personal relationship with creation , to acknowledge and amend our ways and to promote ecological justice by standing in solidarity with those most impacted by environmental harm.
To find out more about the Ignation Examen, www.jesuit.org and www.ecologicalexamen.org
A Bowl of Rice
In response to the World Day of the Poor, last November 2018, the Catechism students talked about caring for the poor and then raised chf 360 as their contribution to feeding the the street children in Manila, through the Virlanie Foundation. Virlanie Foundation is a non-sectarian child-caring institution that empowers , loves and protects the abandoned, abused, exploited, neglected, orphaned and those among the poorest of the poor children in the Philippines. This donation and cards prepared by our Catechism students were handed to them personally our JPIC-LSC ministry (Justice, Peace and Integrity to Creation -Laudato Si Community) of our parish. With heartfelt gratitude, the Virlanie Foundation look forward to further exchanges with the children in our St. John XXIII parish.
Here is some pictures of our donation to the foundation:
World Day of the Poor
On November 18, 2018, Pope Francis invites us to listen to the cry of the poor. He encourages us to reach out and share with those in need that they may experience the active presence of a brother or sister.
There are a number of ways in which we can respond to the cry of the poor in Geneva. As a parish; during the winter season, we ask you to donate NEW sleeping bags for the homeless as well as non perishable groceries, ie canned goods. They can be brought to the parish reception room from November 18- 25 or you may go directly to Armée du Salut or Caritas Geneva offices. For food donations for the poor; we encourage you to include the poor when you buy your groceries during the Partagé Collections from November 23-24 at most Migro and Coop supermarkets. Volunteer to serve food to the poor, we invite you to make a donation or join the parish soup kitchen servers on December 6. If it is in your heart to listen and respond to the cry of the poor, get involved.
For more information, please refer to the ff.
- Message of Pope Francis on the World Day of the Poor on November 18, 2018
- Call for Sleeping Bags – Armee Salut
Climate Change report of the UN Inter-governmental panel Oct 8
Pope Francis calls each one of us to care for our common home. As stewards and inhabitants of our only planet, we are gravely concerned with the recent October 8, 2018 report of the UN Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports on the impact of global warming of 1.5 Celsius above pre-industrial levels. “Limiting global warming to 1.5 Celsius would reduce challenging impacts on ecosystems, human health and well being, making it easier to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals “ (Priyardashi Shukla, Co-Chair of the IPCC working group III). With this scientific research, each of us, can do our individual actions to avoid the disastrous levels of global warming. A change of lifestyle to reduce our carbon footprints could make a difference.
- “We are part of nature, included in it, and thus in constant interaction with it”. (Pope Francis, Laudato Si)
- Here is a report of CNN for your reference What the new report on climate change expects from you
Live Simply
The Laudato Si Community (LSC) will celebrate Earth Day 2018 in the St. John XXIII Parish by enjoining our parishioners to do a lifestyle check of Living Simply (i.e. based on simplicity, sustainability and in solidarity with the poor). The Idea of Living Simply was inspired from the Simply Living campaign of CAFOD’s (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) in their website (https://cafod.org.uk/Campaign/How-to-campaign/Livesimply-award) as inspired by the Laudato Si encyclical of Pope Francis. . And for this year’s Earth Day 2018 campaign, the LSC will raise awareness about plastic pollution and promote the use of re-usable eco cups in our parish events instead of the disposable plastic cups and plastic bottled drinks.
For Earth Day 2018, What would be your pledge to caring for our Common Home? We enjoin you to participate in the following:
1) How simple is your lifestyle ? Answer the attached Living Simply survey,
2) Select and pledge from our list of Living Simply ideas;
3) Be informed on Plastic Pollution so that you can take concrete steps in Rising Above the Plastics
Here are some important documents: