Parish Administrative Council

The Parish Administrative Council (PAC) is a body elected by the General Assembly of the Parish. It is responsible for the Parish’s day-to-day Administration and Finances, the Parish Office Staff, Grounds and Maintenance, and Legal issues regarding the Canton and Diocese. For any concerns and questions, please email vp[at]

Paul C Friel
Parish Priest
Oscar Mbeche
(start date: June 2019)
Joselito Benitez
Vice President
(start date: June 2019)
Augustine Agyeman-Duah
(start date: June 2017)
Camille Roney
Maison Diocesan de Geneve
(start date: June 2019)
Julien Senderos
Property Management

(start date: June 2023)

William McClain
Human Resources
(start date: June 2021)
Sandra Simpson
(start date: June 2021)

Are you interested in making a deeper contribution to the life, leadership and organisation of our Parish?

Do you have management experience and enjoy collaborating with a multifunctional team?

The Parish Administration Council (PAC) is the governing body of the financial and property affairs of our Parish. Council members assist the Curé Moderateur in the stewardship of parish communications, human resources, parish facilities, parish finances, relations within the Diocese and Canton, as well as a range of fundraising activities. The PAC meets regularly to ensure that the parish resources are best managed to further the Mission of the Church.

We are currently looking to expand the PAC membership and expertise in a number of areas. If you would like to be considered to serve our Parish PAC, please either speak with me or email