Baptism Registration Form Child InformationFamily Name *First Name *Place of Birth *Date of Birth *Gender *Parent InformationFather: Last Name *Father: First Name *Father: Nationality *Father: Religion *Mother: Maiden Name *Mother: First Name *Mother: Nationality *Mother: Religion *Parents Married in the Catholic Church? *Please select an optionYesNoOther Children (Please list their full names)Contact detailsStreet Address *Post Code *City *Country *PhoneYour Email *Principal GodfatherLast Name *First Name *Religion *Others (Please list their full names)Principal GodmotherLast Name *First Name *Religion *Others (Please list their full names)Initial interview with priest done? *Please select an optionYesNoBaptism Month Requested *Please select an optionJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberSubmitPlease do not fill in this field.