Safeguarding Policy
St John XXIII Parish is committed to providing a safe, secure and supportive environment for children and vulnerable adults. Our safeguarding policy reflects this commitment to prevent harm and abuse and to minimise risk for children within the parish. The safeguarding policy has been recently updated and now includes an English translation of the Diocese of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg’s charter against sexual abuse (see original French version here).
Within the safeguarding policy, you will find details about our safeguarding response team. The members of this team are available to advise on any questions or concerns you may have.
If you are a catechist or otherwise volunteer with children within our parish, it is important that you are familiar with this safeguarding policy. You should also complete a personal declaration form confirming that you have read the policy and provide a criminal extract form and a special extract. Further information about these forms will be provided by the director of religious education.