Weekend Mass Registrations
As per directive of the Federal Council of Switzerland, there will be 100 places available at each mass.
Confirmation of booking email & seat allocation will be sent by Thursday.
Weekday Masses: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 12h15 booking not required, contact details will be asked for at entrance.
Livestream Mass every Sunday 11h30 click here
Links will be live as soon as the mass registration opens Tuesdays.
June 26 Saturday Vigil Mass
- 17:30, register here
June 27 Sunday Mass
We are usually oversubscribed for all Masses at the weekend. It is really important – if you put your name down on a Tuesday – that you let us know by FRIDAY NOON that you will NOT use that space, allowing others the chance to come and worship.
Bookings can only be honoured until the designated Mass time, so please arrive in good time for Mass