Stewardship Campaign

<img class=”ngg-singlepic ngg-right alignleft” src=”” alt=”regpledge” width=”150″ height=”225″> The voluntary commitment by a family or an individual to give a specified amount at regular intervals for a set period of time is called a Pledge.

At St John XXIII Parish, we encourage parishioners to take the initiative in making this voluntary commitment to enable our Parish to plan and manage its annual budget more efficiently. We are called to give generously. Your pledge can be any amount that you are comfortable with.

You can also download the <a href=” server/Stewardship/Pledge_campaign_brochure.pdf”>pledge brochure</a>, print and fill up the pledge form included. Please return the form to the Parish Office. You can also place it in the mailbox next to the office entrance.

Ways to DonateWhy PledgeRecipients
<li style=”list-style-type: none;”>
<li>Bank Transfer (No bank charges)
St. John XXIII Parish
UBS Account: 240-255357.00U
IBAN: CH 76 0024 0240 2553 5700 U</li>
<li>QR Code, &nbsp;click <span style=”color: #0000ff;”><a style=”color: #0000ff;” href=””>here</a></span>.</li>
Labeled/named envelopes will be supplied by the Parish Office upon request.</li>
<li>Via Credit Card click <span style=”color: #0000ff;”><a style=”color: #0000ff;” href=””>here</a></span>. Choose Stewardship Campaign in the dropdown.</li>
<strong>Yearly, a Swiss Tax Attestation </strong>will be issued to Parishioners upon request.

Our Parish subsists primarily from weekly offertory collections placed at the altar (35% of Income), pledges received under a planned giving programme (30%), the Kermesse fundraising event (9%) and donations/gifts (3%). In addition to our day to day running costs to maintain our buildings and grounds, our liturgical and administrative expenses, the collections support more than 20 ministries, full sacramental preparation, 10-level religious education program, a growing youth provision, several adult formation groups, parish affiliated bodies and a generous outreach program, etc.

Now, we have more than double the available worship space as well as much more room for all other activities, and, naturally, we expect that there will be an increase in running costs. At present, pledges account for only a third of our total income and having more parishioners commit in advance to support our Parish financially through pledges will allow us to more effectively plan and manage our finances. At the same time, this will help our community fulfil its mission and better serve the English-speaking Catholics of Geneva for generations to come.

<img class=”ngg-singlepic ngg-center aligncenter” src=”” alt=”parish_giving” width=”320″ height=”118″>

<li>Diocese in Turkana Kenya – CHF 15,425.32</li>
<li>Catholic Diocesan Programmes – CHF49,380.95</li>
<li>Special Collection for Outreach – CHF NIL</li>
<li>Global Outreach and Other Projects – CHF13,594.47&nbsp;</li>
<img class=”ngg-singlepic ngg-left alignleft” src=”” alt=”donor_stewardship” width=”400″ height=”92″>

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