Next weekend, October 23 we will celebrate World Mission Sunday, the Holy Father’s annual appeal to support overseas mission and missionaries. Since the pandemic, there have been less people physically attending Mass, meaning less offerings in the basket. The implications for overseas missionaries and the communities they serve over the coming months will be very challenging. You can help right now.
What is World Mission Sunday?
World Mission Sunday is the Holy Father’s annual appeal to support overseas mission and missionaries. It takes place in every single parish worldwide where the Church is present. In Switzerland, Missio Suisse is tasked with organising the Mission Sunday collection. Missio Suisse is the Pope’s official charity for overseas mission.
Why is it so important?
All offerings made on behalf of World Mission Sunday become part of the Holy Father’s Universal Solidarity Fund. This Fund supports missionary activities in over 1,100 young dioceses, mostly in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. As young dioceses grow, so do their needs. On top of this, they are often found in remote areas devastated by conflict or natural disasters. The Universal Solidarity Fund provides aid so that missionaries can continue to go to these places to share the love of God.
What does it support?
The needs of young dioceses vary, anything from a motorbike so a priest can celebrate Mass in a remote village, to a community hall so local people can gather in safety; or more urgently, vaccinations and medicines so that parish dispensaries can protect vulnerable children. In essence: • it provides basic infrastructure by helping communities to build schools, clinics, parish halls and churches. • it prepares the future leaders and carers of the Church by supporting the training of sisters, priests, brothers and catechists. • it supports missionary programmes to care for children’s spiritual and physical wellbeing by offering safe shelter, healthcare, education and hope for the future.
What is the theme for World Mission Sunday?
This year’s theme is ‘You Will Be My Witnesses’ (Acts 1: 8). Every Christian is called to be a missionary and witness to Christ. The Church, the community of Christ’s disciples, has no other mission than that of bringing the Gospel to the entire world by bearing witness to Christ. Each baptised person is called to mission, in the Church and by the mandate of the Church. You Will Be My Witnesses (Acts 1:8)