Ignatian Way 2024

Our God Who Is Love

The Ignatian Way Day

The Ignatian Way theme for 2025 is: Our God Who Is Love
The sub-themes are:
Day 1: I am loved personally and immensely by God
Day 2: Jesus accompanies me in living suffering, to reveal the mystery of God’s love
Day 3: I am raised up with Jesus through my suffering and dying to peace
An Ignatian Way Day offers a chance to ‘catch one’s spiritual breath’ in today’s hectic world, a pause to open to silence, with time for personal reflection on one’s life in the light of scripture, and group sharing on related questions.

Where? Close to Geneva at The Ecumenical Institute – Chateau de Bossey, 1298 Céligny.
Up-coming Dates (Saturday, 9.00-17.00): March 1, June 14 and October 11, 2025 
Cost per day: CHF 50 (includes lunch and a mid-morning coffee/tea with croissant).

Registration: Contact Patricia Laurie on vervel10@gmail.com or Tel. +33 6 85 39 15 66.