General Assembly
The G.A is the legal body which reviews and approves the budgets and accounts, elects members of the Parish Administrative Council and reviews its work.
The assembly is made up of all Catholic registered members of our Parish, aged 16 and above. Other parishioners may attend the General Assembly as observers.
Extraordinary General Meeting 2025
In order to fulfil our obligations under the St John XXIII Parish Statutes (Article 33, section 1), we will be holding an Extraordinary General Meeting on Friday March 14 2025 following the 12:15 Mass in the church.
Please find below the Agenda. This meeting takes place in addition to our usual Annual General Assembly (date and time to be confirmed).
Persons eligible to vote at the Extraordinary General Assembly must be:
- Registered in the Parish at least one year;
- Catholic; and
- Above 16 years of age.
To verify whether you are registered or not, check the Parish Directory, which is kept electronically in the Parish Office. The unapproved minutes of last year’s General Assembly can be found here, or can be obtained from the Parish Office.
- Opening Prayer
- Welcome & Opening of the Extraordinary General Meeting
- Appointment of an External Auditor
- Conclusion & Closing