Sister Lisa Gamble

Many of you know Lisa, one of our parishioners. She worked as a surgeon in Geneva before entering the convent with the Salesian Sister.  As our Parish’s only religious, we would like to encourage her in her apostolate.  A second collection will be taken during all the Christmas Masses to support the needs of her mission.

Sr Lisa is currently in Rome completing a course on Faith & Mission, because of the dire situation in Democratic Republic  of Congo, she won’t be returning in the meantime, however,  she has nominated a project in Venezuela for our Christmas Day appeal, which we fully endorse

The situation in Venezuela is extremely difficult; people are starving – they desperately need hope, a sign that they haven’t been forgotten by the world. This year your money will help a  school which  is under the jurisdiction of the local bishop who coordinates all the missions in the Amazon, and is composed of Salesian sisters, priests and laypeople. They offer an education to the indigenous youth (and at the moment also try to provide food and medicine where it’s needed).

For those travelling for Christmas and wishing to contribute, please drop an envelope with your offering in the collection basket, marked

‘Sr Lisa Venezuela’.  A heartfelt thanks for your generosity and kindness.

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