Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

Climate change is having a drastic effect on our world Changes to lifestyle and consumption habits can make a big difference.eg, get a re-usable water bottle, take shorter showers, walk, cycle or use public transport instead of driving, recycle, compost food waste, and buy energy efficient appliances.

Become more aware of our connectedness. Care for one another and creation includes understanding that “everything is connected” and that the economy, politics, community involvement, and technology all affect the future of the planet and humankind. How can we become more aware of our connectedness?

Pope Francis calls each one of us to care for our common home. As stewards and inhabitants of our only planet, we are gravely concerned with the recent October 8, 2018 report of the UN Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports on the impact of global warming of 1.5 Celsius above pre-industrial levels. “Limiting global warming to 1.5 Celsius would reduce challenging impacts on ecosystems, human health and well being, making it easier to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals “ (Priyardashi Shukla, Co-Chair of the IPCC working group III). With this scientific research, each of us, can do our individual actions to avoid the disastrous levels of global warming. A change of lifestyle to reduce our carbon footprints could make a difference.

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