St. John XXIII Parish: Online Registration
welcome: registration process
- Step 1: Obtain a family registration number.
- Family registration numbers will be sent to parishioners whose children were registered in the Catechism or Confirmation Programmes. Those who have not yet recieved their number should click here to obtain one.
- Parishioners who registered with the Parish but have not previously registered their children in the Catechism or Confirmation Programmes should click here to obtain their registration numbers.
- Families who are new to the Parish or who have never registered with the Parish should first fill in this registration form before creating an account.
- Step 2: Click here to create an account, you will need to enter your family registration number and read the terms of the End User License Agreement.
- Step 3: Activate your account via a link that will be sent to your email.
- Step 4: Once your account is activated, you will be automatically redirected to the login page where you can login.
- Step 5: Once you have have logged in, you will be redirected to your family information page where you can proceed to register your family members for Catechism and Confirmation by clicking on the appropriate links. If registration is successful, you will be presented with a summary of the records shortly afterwards.
IMPORTANT:- Please be aware that there is limited space for all levels, especially Levels 2 and 3 and one year of Catechism attendance prior to these sacramental years is required.
- If you register your child in a sacramental year , you must attend all parent meeting and ensure your child attends all the classes. If your child misses more than 4 classes during the program, he/she may not be able to receive the sacrament
- Priority will be given to children of catechists and volunteers.
- View the Enrolment of children by age and class
- Step 6. Registration for Catechism and Confirmation Volunteers (i.e. Catechists, assistant Catechist and Student assistants) will also take place online in the same way as described in step 5 above.
- If you wish to become a catechist or volunteer for the programme in any way, or for further information regarding registration, contact the Director of Religious Education Anna Berkeley
- Step 7: Fees can be payed to the Parish Staff at the Parish Office during Office hours, via a Post Office versement or via the bank or via credit card (charges will apply).
- Under reason for payment, please indicate your family registration number, children's name and the number of children for whom you are paying.
- IMPORTANT: Those who do not have access to the internet can come to the Parish Office during office hours and pick up copies of the Catechism and Confirmation registration forms.